
Viewing notifications

The bell icon in the upper right corner of the workspace opens the notification center. The red dot indicants that there are unread notifications in the inbox.

Notifications can be in the inbox, or marked as done.


The inbox contains notifications marked read or unread (indicated by the blue circle).

After selecting one or more notification, they may be marked as read, unread, or done.


Once a notification is marked as done, it remains accessible in the done tab.

Receiving Notifications

Several events may trigger notifications. However, most notifications take place around a specific card in the workspace.

Each card may be watched. When a card is watched, important changes to the card will create new notifications.

Watching/Unwatching a card

To watch a card, select the watch button in the upper right-hand corner of the card panel.

Note: Being @mentioned in the comments, or assigned to a card, will auto-watch the card.

To stop receiving notifications on a card, select the unwatch button in the upper right-hand corner of the card panel.

Slack notifications

If you have enabled the slack integration, notifications will automatically be sent to your personal slack bot channel.

To enable slack, see the slack installation guide.

Notification Preferences

To control the email notifications, visit the personal settings page to set your preferences.