What is a KPI?

KPIs are the important metrics your team tracks to monitor the health of your business.

We think about KPIs in two categories:

  • Business KPIs - higher level, lagging metrics that measure how the business is doing (e.g. ARR, new customers, % of new trials that convert to paid)
  • Product KPIs - leading metrics that measure the customer behaviors that drive business results (e.g. % of customers that do [some action] within 3 days of signing up, avg. time it takes customers to complete [some process])

Outcome-oriented teams focus their efforts on improving the Product KPIs that drive Business KPIs.

Organize KPIs into “KPI Trees”

KPIs can be organized into KPI Trees to visualize the relationship between Business KPIs and Product KPIs. This KPI Tree helps each member of the product team see the big picture of how the company grows, which is a necessary precursor to successfully moving from an output-oriented culture to an outcome-oriented company culture.

Examples and walkthroughs

For an example, check out this example KPI tree for a PLG SaaS company.

KPIs in Vistaly

Configuring KPIs

Note: you must be an Admin or Owner to configure KPIs (or any other card type)

You can find the configuration page for KPIs by clicking the gear in the top left and selecting “Card settings”.

From here you can adjust:

  • Whether or not this card type is enabled. Disabling it won’t delete any existing KPIs but you will not be able to create new ones going forward.
  • What KPIs are called. The default other options are “Key Metric” and “Score Card” but you can also customize this to be whatever you’d like.

Configure KPIs

KPI Statuses

KPIs in Vistaly can have a status of Observational, Within Limits, and Outside of Limits. These statuses are automatically inferred based on the Current Value and Upper/Lower Thesholds (if they’re set at all). If no thresholds are set, the KPI will have a status of Observational.