Browser Extension

The Vistaly browser extension is used to push data (insights) from any website to Vistaly.


  1. Click here to download the extension in the chrome webstore.

Note: The extension is currently only available on chrome.

  1. Pin the extension
  • Select the extension icon in the upper right of the browser.
  • Select the pin icon next to the Vistaly extension.


Select the Vistaly extension to open the insights form on any webpage. Then copy or draft your insight. When done, select the Add Insight button at the bottom of the form.

The Link will automatically populate using your current web location. This way, anyone can find the source information and find your insight.

Tip: Screenshots and images can be pasted into the insights form to add additional context.

The next time you visit the insights catalog in Vistaly, you will find your insight ready to be used in your workspace.