Card Type Overivew

Not every business works the same – we get that.

We also know teams don’t want to spend an incredible amount of time managing bespoke systems strung together by spreadsheets, slides, and wikis.

Vistaly strikes a balance between ultimate configurability and fully opinonated software. Take a look at how you can adjust Vistaly to match your work style 👇

Configuring Card Types

Cards are core to how Vistaly works. There are several card types, each with its own purpose.

Here’s an overview of each type and a general description.

Card TypeCommon NamesDescriptionRequired?Enabled By Default?
WorkspaceTop (root) card for each workspace treeYesYes
VisionStrategic Pillar / Mission StatementConcise and inspiring declaration that outlines long-term aspirations and desired future stateNoNo
KPIKey Metric / Score CardImportant metric tracked indefinitely. Organize these into trees.NoYes
ObjectiveInitiative / Narrative / StrategyQualitative statement, usually used alongside an Outcome/Key ResusltNoOnboarding selection
OutcomeKey Result / Goal / Rock / CommitmentQuantitative measure of progress for a period of timeNoOnboarding selection
OpportunityBarrier / Step / Pain PointBarriers to achieving an OutcomeYesYes
SolutionBet / FeatureAddress Opportunities when implementedYesYes
AssumptionHypothesisEach Solution contains one or more assumption(s) believed to be true. If we are wrong about these, it adds risk when investing in that solutionYesYes
ExperimentTestAn experiment is designed to bring an assumption closer to known knownsYesYes

Adjusting Card Type Language

If you’re using a name or concept not covered in the table above, modify the closest one matching the language or concepts you want to use.

  1. Navigate to Card Settings
  2. Select the card type to disable
  3. Select a common name or “Customize”** to set your own.

Enable Disable Image

Enabling / Disabling Card Types

Workspace, Outcome, Opportunity, and Solution are the required card types.

If a card type is not required, it can be removed from a workspace. Removing unused card types simplifies a workspace, while adding card types allows for advanced modeling, provides a layer of segmentation, or acts as a closer representation of how your business is structured.

To enable or disable a card type:

  1. Navigate to Card Settings
  2. Select the card type to disable
  3. Toggle the “Card Type Enabled” field to off

Enable Disable Image